emaksovalec's Blog

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Emacs fan from Slovenia. Interested in #linux #emacs #lisp #scheme and so on :)
2 days ago
Goodbye emacs. ...more

5 days ago
I bought a refurbished laptop to try out guix on it. ...more

a month ago
Trying out Fastify for Nodejs and I really like it. ...more
#Fastify #Nodejs

6 months ago
I was looking forward to buy a cheap and powerful rockchip orangepi but it seems that it's price is high because of demand of Russian MIC. ...more
#rockchip #orangepi

6 months ago
My contract lapses in 6 months and I would like to take this opportunity to switch companies. ...more

8 months ago
On my Windows machine I hit Super key and type GIMP to see if I already have it. ...more

9 months ago
I tried tracking my time spent on various tickets in orgmode but I felt out of habit again. ...more
#JIRA #orgmode #emacs

9 months ago
I was reading the other day how culture in a company persists even if all the people eventually change. ...more

10 months ago
Had some fun debugging the other day. ...more

10 months ago
powershell vs. ...more

10 months ago
adventofcode days 5&6 but only parts 1 in guile scheme lisp . ...more
#adventofcode #guile #scheme #lisp

10 months ago
adventofcode day 4 in scheme guile lisp I think on weekends the tasks are harder because today's task felt easier than yesterday's ...more
#adventofcode #scheme #guile #lisp

10 months ago
adventofcode day 3 in scheme guile lisp ...more
#adventofcode #scheme #guile #lisp

10 months ago
day 2 of adventofcode in guile scheme (define (convert-line line) (define (hand-str hand) (match (string-split (string-trim hand) #\space) [(cube-number cube-color) (cons (string->number cube-number) (string->symbol cube-color))])) (let* [(game/games (string-split line #\: ...more
#adventofcode #guile #scheme #t #t

a year ago
As the deadline approaches the micromanagement intensifies. ...more

a year ago
weirdly enough I've got the most recent linuxmobile news by a local tabloid. ...more

a year ago
I like using eshell in emacs but the constant deadlocks with long running processes are really ruining it for me ...more

a year ago
I've been chasing a concurrency bug recently. ...more

a year ago
just found an interesting and serious bug in MS Teams. ...more

a year ago
Took a detour from morning work commute. ...more

a year ago
Too bad that C++ doesn't have reflection. ...more

a year ago
The other day at work I once again realized that lots of fierce online discussions are nothing more than a storm in a tea cup. ...more

a year ago
I'm happy to discover another neat webdev emacs elisp hack. ...more
#webdev #emacs #elisp #eshell

a year ago
I'm writing a large document in latex in emacs and I track my changes with magit. ...more
#latex #emacs #magit

2 years ago
I'm having a lot of fun at work with web-server. ...more

2 years ago
Hello fellow emacsers. ...more
#introduction #introductions #emacs #elisp