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Emacs fan from Slovenia. Interested in #linux #emacs #lisp #scheme and so on :)
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day 2 of #adventofcode in #guile #scheme

(define (convert-line line)
(define (hand-str hand)

(match (string-split (string-trim hand) #\space)
  [(cube-number cube-color) (cons (string->number cube-number) (string->symbol cube-color))]))

(let* [(game/games (string-split line #:))

     (game-id (string->number 
               (second (string-split (car game/games) #\space))))
     (games-raw (map (lambda (set) (string-split set #\,)) (string-split (second game/games) #\;)))
     (games (map (lambda (game) (map hand-str game)) games-raw))]
(cons game-id games)))

(define (game-value game)
(define max-cubes-ht

(alist->hash-table '((red . 12) (green . 13) (blue . 14))))

(define (valid-set set)

(fold (lambda (hand prev) (and prev (<= (car hand) (hash-ref max-cubes-ht (cdr hand)))))
      #t set))

(if (fold (lambda (a b) (and a b)) #t (map valid-set (cdr game)))

  (car game)

;; (game-id ((num . color) …) …)
(define (game-value-2 game)
(define ht (make-hash-table))
(lambda (set)

  (lambda (hand)
     [(hash-ref ht (cdr hand)) => (lambda (number) (when (< number (car hand)) (hash-set! ht (cdr hand) (car hand))))]
     [else (hash-set! ht (cdr hand) (car hand))]))

(cdr game))

(fold * 1 (hash-map->list (lambda (key value) value) ht)))

;; part 1
(fold + 0 (call-with-input-file “input” (lambda (port) (map game-value (get-lines port convert-line)))))
;; part 2
(fold + 0 (call-with-input-file “input” (lambda (port) (map game-value-2 (get-lines port convert-line)))))

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